Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Your Mother's Nose

I wanted to make a list of family traits that I hope to see you have and where I hope they come from. I will follow up with a list of family traits that I hope you don't get and where they come from...

Hopeful Traits
  1. Sense of Humor from your Nana Rain, Uncle Jess, and Uncle Joel - Pretty much the three funniest people I know. 
  2. Your mom's nose - from your mom. Such a great little nose.
  3. Your mom's eyes - so pretty...coupled with the cutest nose in the world... makes your mom gorgeous.
  4. Both of your Grandma Michelle's (Baumgartner & Smidt) and Nana Smidt's thoughtfulness. Always thinking of everyone else.
  5. Your Grandpa Mark's sense of adventure. Ironmans, Leadville 100's, kayaking, nuff said.
  6. Your Uncle Joel's Height (if you're a boy). At 6'1"-6'2" he is a few inches taller than your dad.
  7. Your Great Grandpa Ed's Math Skills. He worked for Boeing as an engineer...good skill to have.
  8. Aunt Britt's organizational skills. don't want to inherit mine...
  9. Uncle Mark's computer skills. Always good in a pinch and saves a lot of money on outsourced IT work.
  10. Grandpa Rick's thirst for knowledge. He is more well-read than anyone I know - From the Bible to books on the Relativity Theory.
  11. Your mom's punctuality. If you get this from me you will always be late and your spouse will always be mad at you. 
  12. Your Grandma Michelle Smidt's ability to focus. This is an important one because your dad...oh! I was going to tell you about the time when I was 7 years old and I...see, we can't both be like this.
  13. Your Dad's taste in sports teams. All joking aside, if you end up a Yankee fan, a Laker fan, or a Cowboys fan we will need to take a blood test to see if you are really mine. Also, a love of the Ducks is pretty important...if you ever want to hang out during football season. Just kidding...but seriously.
  14. Aunt Tiff's kindness. I've never met anyone sweeter. 
  15. If you're a girl I hope you're lucky enough to be as pretty as your Mom, Aunt Heidi, Aunt Tiff, and Aunt Britt. If your a guy...I could really care less.
  16. Your Dad and Grandpa Smidt's love for bacon. I can't stress how important this is. 
That's a good start. Stay tuned for "Family Traits I hope you don't get".


  1. Thanks so much Jason :) I love this! Don't forget, shawns break dancing skills- Hahahaha! Coley reminded me of them the other day! Your baby is going to be so perfect :)

  2. Best compliment I've had in a long time. Thanks Jason!
