Dear Little Baby Baum,
I had to attend a charity event last night for work so your mom decided she would make one of her favorite dishes in the world...fried rice. I went to to the store to get green onions, frozen peas, and some gray thread so that your mom could sew a back-pocket button back on my suit pants. I got out of the shower and the smell of bacon permeated the apartment... mmmmmmm bacon.
I hope that we share a love for bacon when you get to the point where you can eat real food. I'm sure we will, you're mom loves it too. Maybe we'll make it a tradition that when we talk about important things like where babies come from, and why you should always respect your teachers, or how important keeping your elbow in is while shooting a jump shot, we'll make a big plate of bacon and talk through it. "Alright [son/daughter's name], I got your report card...let's make a plate of bacon and talk about what happened in geometry this semester."
Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked... So at this event I had a decent meal, but was thinking about your mom's fried rice the entire night. So much so that I even thought about how good the peas looked when she was mixing it all together...and I hate peas. Hopefully we also share a disdain for peas, then your mom will never make them and I don't have to pretend to eat them but really feed them to Maggie. Oh, by the way, maggie is your half-dog-sister. She's sweet, but she'll eat your food if you're not keeping an eye out for her. You'll like her, she's the color of santa claus' beard.
This is your sister, Maggie |
Man, I get sidetracked easy.
So all night I'm thinking about how I'm going to have some fried rice when I get home. Never get between a pregnant woman and her favorite meal. I asked if I could have some and was told so many words. I knew through trial and error that it was best to just let this one go - if it's all that sounds good to your mom right now, she won't be able to eat anything else. So dad had a glass of water and went to bed - dreaming of fried white carb-loaded kernels of goodness mixed with the wonder-meat (bacon) and lots of other delicious goodies. Rice is great to eat when you're hungry and want 2,000 of something.
I had bacon this morning, so that helped. Keep growing little angel, and try to have mom crave something that she doesn't mind dad eating too. If at all possible, have her next craving come from this list:
Things that Dad Wants Mom to Crave
- Buffalo Wings
- Cream Soda
- Razzleberry Pie
- Bacon Cheeseburger
- Fruit-by-the-foot
- Dried Mangos
- Strawberry Shortcake
- Cheesecake
- Pizza
- Thai Food
- Action Movies
- Basketball Games
- NFL Draft Coverage
Thanks for your help. Talk to you soon.