Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Dear Little Baby Baum,

This past weekend your mom and I were helping your cousin Olivia with her alphabet.  We started with the letters C, M, and A. Coley and Livie repeated them over and over and over again until they got stuck in my head so bad.

In the real estate marketing world, where I spend a lot of my time, CMA stands for Comparative Market Analysis. I began thinking of other acronyms and made a short list:
  1. Censoring My Aunt
  2. Calling Mid-Level Astronauts
  3. Center for Mind Abatement
  4. Cauliflower Mineral Amount
  5. Certified Miners Association
  6. Cancel My Appointment
  7. Conveniently Missing Assignments
  8. Cutting Multiple Angles
  9. Career Minded Aliens
  10. Circle Mr. Anderson
  11. Cheyenne Mountain Aquarium
  12. Cheese Molding Assistant
  13. Common Michigan Arsonist
  14. California Metrosexual Alliance
  15. Call-girl Missing an Arm
Those are just a few from off the top of my head. I am excited to teach you how to read, but I'm more excited to teach you how to shoot a basketball.


Your Dad


  1. I just thought that too Britt! I'm lucky that my kids all love you guys so much. :)
